Prepare to Row an Ocean
Rowing Adventures can offer you a bespoke pathway to prepare you for your Ocean Rowing Experience.
Your recommended pathway will depend upon your prior experience, time frame, event and priority. Let’s have a discovery call and start planning.
Recommended Options : Indoor, Single Scull, Offshore Quad, Gig, Ocean Rowing. These sessions are explained HERE
Kirsty is qualified as a Co-Skipper for Rannoch Adventures.
Operated 1hr and 3 hr taster sessions on board an R45 in Lymington to raise funds for the Ebb and Flow Charity Campaign 2024
Co-skippered RX80/ Roxy on the Caledonian Canal, Scotland 2024
Experienced supporting Ebb and Flow’s Atlantic Campaign 2024 including their start preparation in La Gomera, Canary Islands
Volunteer L2R Coach on RX80/ Roxy in the Turks and Caicos, Miami, 2025.
Rowing RX80/ Roxy from the Turks and Caicos to Miami, February 2025.